Class 3 – Basics

Filed under: Art Class — HART @ 3:30 pm

Basically you have to start somewhere … so, we started with a basic outdoor picture that had two distinct qualities … land .. and sky. Guy showed us, by example, ways to draw sky and ground and even include depth and colors. If you were to go back to the color chart … the picture would be more like the top half .. using water more to help blend colors I think.

I find it amusing that when you look at the sample photograph we tried replicating and the end result .. it’s like night and day. One thing that is emerging however, is the different styles of Yvonne and myself. Hers is more technical and detailed while mine is more abstract and contemporary ‘Van Gogh’ish 🙂 .. Well, wouldn’t that be great if I can create something like the Starry Night we have on our bedroom wall!

The first try was sky and land. The second try was something a little more. It was an island with trees and you can see the sky and beach as the land, with some water. I believe this picture was selected for technique and reminding us that you still have lines and need to sketch and think about the shading and depth of what you are painting. Although, I felt my painting needed a few birds and a pelican sitting on a rock watching fish jump out of the lake

Yvonne’s Last painting today

HART’s Last Painting today

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